
Artikel 84 van 85

Zuo Gu Shen Jing Tong Wan - Sciatic Nerve Form - 坐骨神经痛丸 - NO BOX

Artikelnummer: 9036
€ 7,00 € 6,00 (inclusief BTW/VAT)
Voorraad 6 stuks

Zuo Gu Shen Jing Tong Wan - Sciatic Nerve Form - 坐骨神经痛丸

Actions: Promotes blood circulation to stop pain and remove blood stasis. Dispels dampness and cold, removes obstruction in the channels and relaxes muscles and tendons. Strengthens the loins and tonifies the kidney, builds up the bodily resistance to disease.
It is used for sciatica, arthritis of bone overgrowth, rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis, pain in waist and lower extremities, numbness of limbs, arthralgia and muscle pain.

Ingredients: Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae 21.2% Radix Clematidis 21.2% Cortex Acanthopanacis 21.2% Radix Cyathulae 9.1% Radix Angelicae Pubescentis 9.1% Radix Dipsaci 9.1% Rhizoma Impatiens balsamina 9.1% 

主要成份:  秦艽,威灵仙,五加皮, 川牛膝,独活,续断, 透骨草。
Qin Jiao, Wei Ling Xian, Wu Jia Pi, Chuan Niu Xi, E: Du Huo, Xu Duan, Tou Gu Cao.

CN-用法与用量: 口服,成人每日三次,每次八丸。
GB-Recommended use: Orally, 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.
NL-Aanbevolen gebruik: 3 maal daags 8 pillen.
D-Empfohlene Anwendung: 3 mal täglich 8 Tabletten.
FR-Application recommandée: 3 fois par jour 8 comprimés.
IT-Istruzioni per uso: 3 volte al giorno 8 pillole.
ES-Instrucciones de uso: 3 veces al dia, 8 pastillas.

- Consult your herbalist or physician before use it.
- Keep out of reach of children.



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