Chuan bei pi pa pian - Clear Throat Form - 川贝枇杷止咳片 (深圳制药). Helps to clear heat and phlegm and is particularly good for soothing coughing and sore throats.
Dang Gui Si Ni Wan - Angelica Form - 当归四逆丸. To warm the meridians, disperse Cold, nourish Blood and unblock blood vessels.
0.20g x 200 pills成分 INGREDIENTS:
Feng Shi Bi Tong Wan - Fengshi Form - 风湿痹痛丸
0.20g x 200 pills. Net wt 40g成分 INGREDIENTS:
苍术 Cang Zhu Atractylodis Rhizoma 6%
苏木 Su Mu Sappan Lignum 6%
木瓜 Mu Gua Chaenomelis Fructus 6%
威灵仙 Wei Ling…
Gan Mao Qing Re Capsule (Sugerless) - Ice Free Form - 感冒清热胶囊 for flu and cold symptoms such as fever, cough, chills, sore throat and headache.
0.3g×60 CapsulesHerbal preparation, Ingredients: